Anthurium Papillilaminum

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Are you looking to bring something rare and extraordinary into your retail plant store? Look for further than an actual pure form Anthurium Papillilaminum. Unlike any other, this special Anthurium is propagated from our collection of rhizomes, specially sourced from Panama, making it a rarity for retail stores. Whatever its shape or size may be, your customers are sure to appreciate the uniqueness of this one-of-a-kind flower and be impressed by its pure Panama form.

Not only is the Anthurium Papillilaminum an amazing addition to your store’s selection of plants and flowers, but it is also incredibly valuable for resale. Providing your customers with this rare chance to own an Anthurium papillilaminum not only sets you apart as premier retailer of plants, but ensures that you get maximum value back when it’s time to resale!

SKU: E473899 Category: